Our Modified Honeymoon Update #1: Mountain Excursions

Our honeymoon got underway on Friday night, in a sense. Justin usually works until 9pm on Fridays, this Friday he got out at 5pm to come home and pack. We left for Sugarloaf Mountain in Carrabassett Valley, Maine on Saturday around noon and arriving shortly before 3pm.
Unlike our roadtrip to Arizona, we planned this honeymoon to the bare bones. We had an idea of what we would do, but nothing was set in stone. Let’s take the week to relax and enjoy each other while visiting some amazing spots.
Saturday, August 15
Our first night at the loaf was nothing short of perfect. After we settled into the condo, the two of us made our way over to Alice and Lulu’s, just steps from the SuperQuad at the foot of the mountain. Laura, one half of the ownership, was delightful and caring. She served us some beautiful charcuterie. plus a delicious pickle plate in a spacious outdoor patio area. Justin enjoyed a bottle of Orono Brewing Everlasting Farm, while Taylor tried a Bordeaux (Lillet, Vodka, St. Germain, lemon juice). The whole experience kicked off our honeymoon correctly.
Trying not to think about where you would’ve been, if the COVID-19 was over, is not the best course of action. However, it’s hard as hell to think otherwise. So, we are trying to start each day with the thought of where we would’ve been and then moving on with our actual day.
Sunday would’ve been our hike of the Grand Canyon. Instead, we decided to take the roadtrip part of our original honeymoon and bring it along for the ride. We opted to go for an almost 10-hour roadtrip to the White Mountains and back.
Sunday, August 16
Leaving around 9:15am we headed towards Rangeley, Maine, then on towards Errol, New Hampshire, and continued to Lincoln, NH. On our way to the White Mountains, barely into New Hampshire, we spotted our first moose! Of course, we had to turn around and take a photo (see below).
We stopped for lunch just off the side of the road on the side of this gorgeous stream along the Kancamagus Highway. Not much better than a picnic sandwich lunch with your better half. We continued along the White Mountains to North Conway, NH.
Justin really wanted to go to Zeb’s General Store in the heart of North Conway, but the line down the street and around the corner. So we had to skip. The drive continued on to a quick childhood memories stop for both of us at Story Land in Jackson, NH. We finished up our drive through Bethel, ME and onto Farmingham, ME (where we stopped for Giffords Ice Cream). Our car pulled into the condo at just before 7pm. What an experience.
Our honeymoon is not what we planned, but it is turning out to one amazing trip already. Best thoughts are take what you are given and run with it. Sugarloaf Mountain is a pretty damn good runner up for dream locations.
We are excited to share the rest of this journey with you later! Follow along on Instagram or via the website category “Honeymoon.”
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